Spring brings excellent news – at the internationally renowned BIOL Prize in Bari (Italy), our Mani Bläuel organic extra virgin olive oil won a gold medal. The BIOL Prize is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious competitions for organic olive oils. This year, over 400 olive oils were tasted by an international 31-member jury. In addition, the chemical composition of the olive oils was examined in a laboratory. The fact that our Greek olive oil was judged so favourably honours our long-standing commitment to organic traditional olive cultivation aimed at obtaining a top quality organic olive oil.
Our junior manager Felix Bläuel was delighted about winning the gold medal: “This award makes us very proud, because it confirms our continued effort to produce the best organic olive oil together with small farmers. Without the passionate work of the entire team, this success would not have been possible. Each member of our team – from the farmer to the quality controllers – has been an important factor, which is now recognized by the BIOL gold medal. I would like to thank everyone very much! ”
The high quality of our olive oil is ensured by the fact that we only use the best natural, traditional, gentle agricultural practices. A profound appreciation of man and nature is the basis on which we make our economic decisions. This is reflected in our organic, sustainable farming and in the fair relationships we establish with our employees and partners.
These ecological and social sustainability values are as important for us as they are for our customers. The fact that our high quality standards have now been confirmed with a prestigious award encourages and motivates us. We will do our best in the future to continue to offer a unique, excellent taste experience through Mani Bläuel olive oil.